Image for Clutch Recognizes GOGOmedia as a 2022 Development Leader in Poland

Clutch Recognizes GOGOmedia as a 2022 Development Leader in Poland

Czas czytania:

GOGOmedia is a multidisciplinary team with vast experience in the digital technology space. We deliver groundbreaking development solutions to organizations, big or small, as they try to overcome evolving challenges. We provide comprehensive solutions, leading our partners toward digital transformation. We’ve been a trusted partner since 2008, empowering our clients to achieve better business outcomes.

Today, we’re thrilled to report that we’re recognized as a leading company on Clutch. In the market research platform’s latest research, we were named one of Poland’s top Symfony development companies this year.

“This award is of special importance to our employees and our team. It is our team that works hard for the benefit of clients, and this award will confirm the team’s belief that their work is valuable.”

— CEO, GOGOmedia

If you haven’t already heard, Clutch is a B2B ratings and reviews platform committed to helping small, mid-market, and enterprise businesses find the best services for their needs. Clutch is a helpful tool for businesses in streamlining their market research. Moreover, Clutch’s team of analysts only publishes verified unbiased feedback from clients of registered service providers.

Take a look at the newest ratings left by our reviewers:

“They’ve found the best solution to optimize the store’s infrastructure.”

— Ewa Kosz, Marketing Manager, HemPoland

“Their suggestions and hints helped us plan each next step wisely.”

— Artur Koman, Founder & CEO, Remotly

We want to thank our partners for putting significant effort into writing their feedback. Be sure to read through our profile on Clutch for a detailed look into our projects.

We’d love to hear more about your development process. Get in touch with us, and let’s start a discussion.

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